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Welcome to the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures Manual

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For further details, please contact Kevin Johnson (

See also: Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements Resource.

Think Family when Undertaking Assessments

Following recent case reviews where tragedies have occurred as a result of assessments being completed in isolation, all professionals working with children and young people are reminded of the importance of using a Think Family approach when undertaking assessments and reviews. When working with someone to understand their needs and wishes, it is important to understand their family support networks, consider whether other family members are able to provide the care the person needs, and what the impact of these arrangements might be on them. Family members may have their own care or health needs or need support to carry out their caring role. Consideration of the demands and impact on others will help to ensure the arrangements made are sustainable and reflect the support needs of the whole family setting. When considering people's networks, it is important to recognise the role and demands on carers within the family. When appropriate and relevant information is identified, this should be shared with colleagues within Adult Social Care to inform work they may be undertaking with adults in the family. There is a similar and reciprocal requirement for workers assessing adults' needs in a family to alert children's workers to relevant issues identified in their assessments.

Last Updated: August 6, 2024
